房地产清洁-渥太华房地产清洁服务| Enviropure-优德游戏app


Full estate cleaning services in Ottawa to help you and your family during your time of need.


渥太华物业清洁 & Decluttering

在Enviropure,我们还提供全面的房地产清洁服务. Cleaning residential and commercial spaces when you have lost a loved one can often be an overwhelming and tedious job. Enviropure保证快速 & effective cleaning when you want it to make this time easier for you and your family. 今天就联系Enviropure开始吧.


  • 保险公司
  • Law Firms
  • 葬礼司仪
  • Hospitals
  • 养老院
  • 家庭住宅

Professional & 慈悲清屋服务

如果您需要物业清理服务在渥太华地区, 你可以信赖Enviropure家居服务公司的专业清洁人员. 在这艰难的时刻, 你要确保和你合作的是一家有耐心的公司, respectful, 满足你的特殊需求.

Enviropure has been providing estate cleanout services to the Ottawa area for over 15 years. Our cleaning crew is trained and experience to make sure that the estate cleaning process is less stressful than it needs to be. Hiring our team of cleaning experts will ensure that your estate cleanout will be handled with professionalism and compassion. Contact us today to learn more about our services and to get a free no-obligation quote.



需要清洗地毯吗?? 寻找装修后的清理工作? 或者你只是需要彻底打扫一下房子. 今天优德游戏app免费评估!



We pride ourselves on a team that is not only trained in the expertise of professional cleaning, 还有关心, 尊重我们的每个客户和他们的空间. 你可以相信Enviropure会在你需要的时候帮助你.

  • 完成房屋的清洁和整理
  • 为房地产销售提供分期服务
  • Extreme 深层清洁 地产的
  • 捐赠服务及派送
  • 存储单元解决方案
  • Full estate 翻新及修复服务
  • 必要时进行生物危害清理
  • 物业销售管理
  • 房地产包装和搬家服务

Frequently 问问题

Below are the answers to some of our frequently asked questions about 房地产清洁. 如果您有任何其他问题,请随时联系Enviropure.

根据我们处理财产清理的经验 & 为过世的人做家庭清洁, each situation presents a rather unique set of challenges – albeit with some commonalities. Often, a homeowner or resident has been ill or in declining health for significant period of time before passing away.  随之而来的通常是忽视或无法妥善照顾家庭 & 周围的环境. 这不是任何人的错,这只是生活中的一件事. 当家人终于能够照顾死者的家时, 迎接他们的往往是不太愉快的景象. 让事情变得更糟的是他们正在经历的悲伤, 再加上看到亲人的遗物. At Enviropure, we will come into the home and perform a thorough estate cleanup service. Our goal is to restore a sense of order and cleanliness to 你所爱的人的家. At your direction we can discard of unwanted items as well – just let us know ahead of time so that we can make the necessary arrangements.

你会惊讶于我们把房子打扫得有多干净! At Enviropure we specialize in 深层清洁 of homes in Ottawa and surrounding communities. We understand that homes can suffer neglect or lack of cleaning for prolonged periods of time for many different reasons. We are not here to judge; our role is to come in and provide a thorough cleaning service for your home – or, 就物业清洁服务而言, 你所爱的人的家. 我们的经验使我们有能力和专业知识提供全面的, 深层清洁-去除污垢, grime, 随着时间的推移堆积起来的碎片和杂物. Whether your loved one kept a pretty clean home or just lost track and couldn’t keep up over time, 不管它带来什么样的挑战, 我们能胜任这项任务. Count on Enviropure for a deep clean that will restore the home to respectable, 清洁整洁的环境.

One of the features that we’re most proud of here at Enviropure Home Services in Ottawa is our Natural Cleaning process. 也被称为“绿色”或植物清洁, natural cleaning means using cleaning products and processes that are better for the environment, 给我们的员工和家里的居民(包括宠物和植物)!). Our commitment to safety and to a healthier planet means that our cleaning products are free of toxins and volatile organic compounds (VOC’s). We want you and your family (and our amazing home cleaning team members) to breathe better. We are committed to the natural cleaning process in our Ottawa home cleaning services, and we encourage our clients to continue using natural cleaning methods in between our visits.

绝对! Over time, a home can suffer from certain odours and particles getting ingrained into the floors, walls, 家具及其他物件. Estate cleaning often means that a loved one has been living in that home a long time. Naturally, that also means that some smells and/or materials could have built up over time. Fear not! Our estate cleanup crews are experienced and highly capable of getting rid of the deepest odors as well as a whole host of stains. Talk to Enviropure today and get your FREE quote for estate cleaning in Ottawa.

Estates are, by their very nature, a rather unpleasant process to deal with. 这是生活中可悲的现实之一. When it comes to going into 你所爱的人的家 to sort out their belongings, 决定保留什么,丢弃什么, 我们的经验告诉我们要从小处开始,循序渐进. Like many other processes, the best way to start a big task is to break it up into smaller tasks. 一个房间一个房间地找,e.g. starting with the kitchen or basement; look at this one task as the project at hand. 这样你就不太可能被这一切压垮. We recommend sorting through as much as you can before calling in Enviropure for the home estate cleaning. Or you can have us come by once for an initial visit; and then again when everything has been sorted through.
